For more information on how to upgrade your Mambo Platform, please see the Upgrade Guide.
Administration Panel
- Create activity modal has no coupons: when creating a coupon based activity, the coupons available to the user were not being displayed.
- Missing Accept-Version header in API documentation requests: when trying the API endpoints from the documentation, the Accept-Version header was not being sent with the request. This resulted in the pinned version of the data always being returned instead of the selected version.
- Site not populated in API documentation: when trying a request from the API documentation, the site was not being automatically populated.
New Feature:
- Idempotency: we have added idempotency to all of the available POST APIs. You can now add the Idempotency-Key header to a POST request which will make the request idempotent. If there is a network issue or failure, you will be able to replay the request with the same idempotency key which will guarantee that no duplicates are created in the system.
- CouponRedeemedEvent added to webhooks: it's now possible to trigger a webhook call using the CouponRedeemedEvent which is fired every time a user redeems a coupon.
- Coupons state endpoint returns duplicates: when retrieving the list of coupon states the paged data could contain duplicates.